And you’ll find the work of newer filmmaking voices that make us thrilled for the future of the medium (Taika Waititi, Olivia Wilde, and the team behind Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse).

You’ll find big names whose decades spent atop marquees have been a kind of comfort over the years to moviegoers (Toms Hanks and Cruise, Whoopi Goldberg, Eddie Murphy). You’ll also notice a preponderance of hilarious, and often goofy, comedies ( Step Brothers, Friday, Spy), and a bit of romance, too ( Crazy Rich Asians, When Harry Met Sally). Below you’ll find movies that lean heavily into nostalgia – titles that evoke that comfy feeling of going to the cinema as a youngster to see films you’ll later watch dozens of times on cable ( Hook, The Sandlot, Mrs. As a staff, we at Rotten Tomatoes asked ourselves a basic question: What are the movies that, without fail, leave us feeling better than we did before we pushed play.Ī sort of criteria emerged from our responses.

Movies to stream right now movie#
When putting together the below epic list of “feel-good” movies – a list we think will do movie lovers some good right now – we didn’t overthink it. For others still, a satisfying mystery for others romance is key.
Movies to stream right now series#
For some, a thrilling fight sequence or a series of Michael Bay-style explosions brings joy for others, a jump scare does it. What defines a feel-good movie? It’s hard to say. In contrast to its 2006 predecessor, this film seems more interested in eliciting the audience’s nervous laughter than exposing America’s heart of darkness, but it remains a worthy-and funny-watch.(Photo by ©DreamWorks/courtesy Everett Collection) 150 Great Feel-Good Movies to Stream Now Baron Cohen delivers, with the expected repertoire of shock gags and deadpanned verbal enormities, and he manages to land some punches at the expense of bigots too.

Even the coronavirus pandemic, which struck as the film was being shot, is subverted as a comedic plot point. In classic Borat fashion, the mockumentary follows the wacky duo on a cavalcade across Trump’s America, filming candid performances by unsuspecting characters ranging from QAnon believers to Republican activists to prim debutantes, all the way to Giuliani himself. This time Baron Cohen has brought his (Bulgarian-speaking) teenage daughter along, with the mission of giving her “as a gift” to some powerful American politician-initially Mike Pence, then Rudy Giuliani.
Movies to stream right now tv#
Sacha Baron Cohen’s “Kazakh” TV reporter travels back to the US, 14 years after his latest feature-long escapade. In an age of franchises and endless blockbusters, Air is the sort of character-focused film that rarely gets made anymore, and is all the more enjoyable for it. Alex Convery’s script keeps the drama on the people and personalities involved, rather than the boardroom. Damon, Jason Bateman, Chris Tucker, and director Ben Affleck all deliver strong performances-only to be utterly eclipsed by Viola Davis in a magnetic and powerful, if somewhat underutilized, turn as matriarch Deloris Jordan. We all know how that panned out, so thankfully Air is more than a two-hour ad for shoes. Enter Sonny Vaccaro (Matt Damon), a talent scout who’s spotted a rising star in North Carolina he believes could turn everything around-he just needs to convince everyone that Jordan is worth betting the company on. Jordan was a rookie, and Nike was about to close down its basketball footwear division. Sure, nowadays Michael Jordan is a bona fide sports god, and Nike’s Air Jordan sneakers are still arguably the court shoe-but that wasn’t the case back in 1984.